Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ex 4

Colored Triangle
Bailey's Solution: Second row far right column same as Fourth row second column
In order to solve the puzzle I looked for simila
r color shapes, I searched the page for cross sections of yellow and green within the inside octagon, proximity of colors. Once I found this similarity I searched for the other section of blue and red. Once I found this I cross reference the colors. This was a difficult exercise. Since the shapes are circular it made it hard to not feel crossed eyed searching each shape. I thought this could have been a solution for a second to blur my vision to find the solution. Basically I used the process of elimination using a cross of colored.

Alfred's Solution: Process of elimination by examining individual triangle colors such as a blue/yellow combination. Once he found this similarity he would back track to the first umbrella to determine if there was any other similarities. Further on in the process instead of using the triangle he used one triangle that was grouped together.

Twin Blocks Puzzle





Bailey's Solution: I used different angled perspective to find each pair. This enabled me to look for similar conjunctions. Changing the way I looked at each shape helped find the pairs. I had to move my entire head to visualize how a shape would look from a different angle. This exercise was much less complicated from the first due to the geometric cubes. I found this easier to rotating the these type of shapes versus a color wheel.

Alfred's Solution: Alfred did the same concept of looking for a particular angle and rotated the sheet to find that shape. After each pair was found i
t became a process of elimination to find each pair.

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